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Looking to go from lumberjack to clean-cut for your evening event? Well in this video, I’m giving you an inside look as I clean up my beard and hair and get ready for a special gala affair I’m headed to later tonight.

Hey, Guys. I’m Paul D’Onofrio with GroomReviews where we’re getting you Comfortable, Confident and Clean in Grooming.

On this channel, we’re bringing you every day grooming product reviews, so if you’re new here be sure to subscribe and make sure to hit that notification bell to stay on top of all of our latest videos.

So, tonight, GroomReviews is one of the sponsors for a gala fundraiser to benefit my son’s school.

As you can see, my hair and beard is a bit long. I’ve let both grow for a little over 6 weeks now and I thought this would be a great opportunity to show you how I get ready for a more formal evening event.

So step one is getting this hair back in style and for that I’ll head over to my man MC Barber and get this hair styled and cleaned up right.

MC Barber hooked me up with a nice low fade hair style. He started with a .5mm hair trimmer guard (half-guard), blending into the top of my hair, leaving enough hair to style into a semi faux hawk.

To style my hair into this semi faux hawk look, I’m using a Layrite Pomade. This pomade holds hair like wax and washes out like a gel. This product gives my hair a medium hold and a medium shine. All you have to do is work a small amount of the Layrite Pomade into your hand, work it evenly through your fair, create the hair style you’re looking for and you’re good to go.

Now from here, I can show you how to trim your beard. For this beard trim, I’ve grabbed my Philips Norelco Series 5100 Beard Trimmer. So with the beard, we want to mirror this hair length at the top on the side burns, blending down evenly into to the beard for a natural look. So for this, I want the beard trim to be around 3mm on the cheeks. So I’ll start with 3mm all the way down the side burn and see if I’ve reached the desired beard length. Now, I’m going to take down the rest of the beard trimming to around 3mm, so I don’t have stray beard hairs straggling about.

For me, it’s all about those tight lines around the beard and jaw line, especially under the neck. And when your beard gets bushy, instead of accenting a strong jawline, it softens and puffs up the edge of your face. For tonight, I’m showing you how to trim your beard with a crisp, sharp look that will pop this beard.

So for this, I go straight to the Philips trimmer blade, eyeing a line I like under the jaw line and sticking to it as I trim the beard.

I also want those sharp lines around the mustache and above the cheeks, so we’ll edge those parts of the beard, as well.

Once we’re done with the beard and our hair is looking good, we can move on to attire.

So, for tonight, I’ve got a Jos. A. Bank travel tech slim fit black suit with white button up shirt.

When wearing a suit such as this, I want a tie that will match my wife’s dress, which I’ve picked out here. When I’m tying the tie, I don’t want a thick knot, as this can add weight and width to the neck.

I’ve got a feather edge belt, and a good rule of thumb with the finish on your belt is to match the color and finish of any jewelry you may be wearing, such as your wedding band.

I have a standard pant break on the shoe, not too short and not too long, causing a baggy pant look.

And I finish it off with a black Florsheim Comfortech shoe.

I hope you enjoyed this how to trim your beard and get ready for an event video.


Thanks for watching!

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